CBD oil, extracted from hemp plants, that was once easily attainable across the nation will soon not be so attainable. Most people, including myself, believed that cannabidiol products (such as CBD oil) below the legal threshold for THC percentage in hemp (0.3 percent or less) was legal. After all, anyone across the nation has been able to purchase CBD online and have it delivered to their houses. There has even been a recent trend in using CBD for our dogs and pets. But some things might change a little bit.

Although, it’s not quite as big of a deal as people are leading on. Left and right, we are seeing headlines along the lines of “DEA Cracks down on CBD,” but you might not be getting the full story. So here it is, broken down, plain and simple:

The New Drug Code:

The new drug code for “marihuana extract”  was released in the Federal Register of December 14th (which you can find here). In item 21 CFR Part 1308, you will find specifications that will allow the DEA (and DEA-registered entities) “…to track quantities of this material separately from quantities of marihuana.” This rule will go into effect January 13, 2017.

The Legal Status of CBD Derived From Industrial Hemp:

The 2014 US Farm Bill was an act of congress and signed by the President – and this is the highest law of the land. The DEA cannot redefine a law passed by the US Congress, or make law. According to US Congress, industrial hemp is defined in section 7606 as “Any cannabis sativa that produces naturally less than .3% on a dry weight basis.”

Also keep in mind that the DEA cannot interfere with any legal state licensed cannabis business.

However, it still was a pretty big statement on behalf of the DEA. But not a statement that the people seem to support, or the US Congress. I guess this is why the US Congress de-funded the DEA last year.